Would you like your pet birds to live in Castle? Your bird pet to fly through the Louvre? Or pet bird cage to be a Frank Lloyd Wright home?
Orders are now being accepted for custom built dollhouses, birdcages and pet homes. Plan ahead for Christmas or that special occasion.
Contact TGIDesign@me.com
Location: St. Louis

Nice green bird cage.
Price: $35 OBO
The dimensions: 22in Tall/ 16in Wide/ 11in Deep
call 503-863-8049
or mail ptownposters@gmail.com
Comes with accessories such as a water bottle food holder and more!
2 Bird Cages (bayview)
The white bird pet cage is 17x17x38; has 7 doors and a pull-out cleaning pan on the bottom. $20.00
Red and white pet bird cage is 24x19x31 has a roof that opens up and a perch/platform door, pull out clening pan.$30.00
Both cages are in excellent shape. Have feeding dishes, perches.
No chipped coating on bars, or rust!
Location: San Francisco bay area
Bird Cage with Stand - $35
One slightly used bird cage with hanging stand.
Phone: (469)442-3118
Email: inavin@gmail.com
Location: Dallas
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