Parrots are unique in the way that they are the only bird (other than ‘Big Bird’ from Sesame Street) that can use their feet like we use our hands; they pull apart their food and feed themselves using their claws, which they manicure painstakingly. All parrots use their beaks for climbing.
Parrots are herbivores, feeding primarily on seed and fruit. They are also monogamous, staying with a single mate for their entire lifetimes, and, apart from the few which migrate in search of food, (nectar feeders) they tend to be sedentary, that is, to stay in a single area all their lives, and use the same nesting place each breeding season.
Medium sized distinctly coloured parrot which resembles the Hooded and Golden Shouldered Parrot to some extent. The sexes of this species are fairly similar in plumage details. The throat, sides of neck and breast is green. The rest of the underparts are red. The crown is black with a red band on the forehead. Wings brown-black with distinct red patches. An area of the same colour extends from the belly to the base of the tail. The female differs from the male in that she is much paler in colour. There are no records for immature birds.
Very little is known about the Paradise Parrot and no substantiated discovery has been recorded since about 1927, despite many searches.
The Paradise Parrot was usually encountered in pairs or small parties, foraging almost entirely on the ground. It was said to be quite tame and approachable and most active in the early morning and late afternoon.
Length: 270-300mm.
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