
Thursday 14 October 2010


Like dogs, parrots are social animals. In the wild these birds live in groups and establish social hierarchies
(pecking orders). In the wild, the most dominant bird has greatest access to resources. In captivity, birds
need the guidance of their human hosts to adapt to the home environment. Dominant individuals will not
accept this guidance and therefore can become very unhappy and very unruly pets. Larger species of bird
are more likely to develop dominance problems, but  even lovebirds can get an "attitude" at times. In order
to avoid problems, several measures can be taken. First, all birds should be taught the "up" command
and the "down" command (stepping onto or off of the hand, respectively). Second, birds should be kept at chest height or lower for greater control. Height gives a dominant bird greater confidence.
Finally, the owner should accustom the bird to various types of handling, such as laying a towel on
the back, handling the beak, flightless by clipping the the session

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